Installers Wampserver full install version



  • xDebug
  • Update xDebug 3.4.2 64 bit 
    MD5 afb2aa39b5a1b656dd7be190f4193a5d
  • XDebug update version 3.4.2 for PHP versions 8.0.x to 8.4.x 64 bit already installed. Can be reinstalled if addition of PHP version.
  • Language files
  • Language files 
    MD5 f1ac6148a5f322c95770f02c61592a7d
  • 2024-07-20 - romanian 3.3.6 by Ciprian Murariu
    2024-11-29 - spanish 3.3.7 by Napolion
  • Tray Menu Manager (wampmanager.exe)
  • Tray Menu Manager 64 bit 
    MD5 0292ef709e9357f23ea37bbf184ea525
  • Updated Tray Menu Manager(wampmanager.exe)
    + Fixed Major Bug: Syntax error for domain name.
    + OpenSSL update to versions 3.0.16 - 3.2.4 - 3.3.3 and 3.4.1 for Windows.
    + Various fixes following the Windows 10/11 Major Update.
    + Update of Pro 64 Bits libraries.
    + Info: 32-bit version no longer supported.
    + Info: Versions below Windows 10 are no longer tested.
    + Code signing.


Applications Wampserver


  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Phpmyadmin 4.9.11 
    MD5 38da46bd315181b2c0b945dcacf6cc70
  • PhpMyAdmin 4.9.11 - Latest version supported by PHP 5.5 to 7.4
    This version can be added to an existing version, you will have the choice during the installation.
  • Phpmyadmin 5.2.2 
    MD5 6b90ea71aa99746921ae11c73fd5b82e
  • PhpMyAdmin 5.2.2 does not support PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1.
    Supported by PHP 7.2 to 8.3
    Does not support PHP 8.4, switch to FCGI mode
    This version can be added to an existing version, you will have the choice during the installation.


  • Adminer
  • Database management in a single PHP file. Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a light full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Adminer works perfectly with PHP 7 & 8 and MySQL 5.7 & 8
  • Adminer 5.0.2 
    MD5 7b11746e0ae1f46d0c452376b69f0bc4
  • PhpSysInfo
  • Phpsysinfo 3.4.4 
    MD5 db6ad39e50ae005dac788b47ee643a83

Addons Wampserver



  • Apache 64 bit x6426 versions
  • Apache 64 bit x64 
    MD5 09eebaa26e9e567e098350227d72ae69
  • Important: Before installing Apache, the Wampserver 3.3.7 update is necessary. It is also essential to have previously installed the Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages VC 2015-2022 (VS17) 14.42.34433 or more.
    Integrates the Apache fcgi_module which allows to change the PHP version of each VirtualHost in order to obtain VirtualHosts with different PHP versions.
    Openssl 3.4.0 can cause problems depending on the systems used.
    Regression from openssl 3.4.0 -> 3.3.2
    - openssl 3.3.2
    - nghttp2 1.64.1
    - jansson 2.14
    - curl 8.11.1
    - apr 1.7.5
    - apr-util 1.6.3
    - apr-iconv 1.2.2
    - zlib 1.3.1
    - brotli 1.1.0
    - pcre2 10.44
    - libxml2 2.13.5
    - lua 5.4.7
    - expat 2.6.2
    mod evasive 2.2.0 - mod security 2.9.7






Visual C++ Redistributable Packages


Sources of binaries used to create installers

Apache binaries: Apache Lounge - PHP binaries: - MySQL binaries: MySQL Community Server - MariaDB binaries: MariaDB Foundation
Applications : PhpMyAdmin - Adminer - AdminerEvo - PhpSysInfo - xDebug

A small contribution to the hosting and digital code certificate would be appreciated icone