Installers Wampserver full install version



  • xDebug
  • Update xDebug 3.3.2 64 bit 
    MD5 284e08c20cff728c1e97ff13e5f61fb4
  • XDebug update version 3.3.2 for PHP versions 8.0.x to 8.3.x 64 bit already installed. Can be reinstalled if addition of PHP version.
  • Language files
  • Language files 
    MD5 4fe7619fdadf2a8ea62c5890eb82bc20
  • 2024-04-30 - romanian 3.3.5 by Ciprian Murariu
    2024-03-30 - romanian 3.3.4 by Ciprian Murariu
    2024-02-09 - spanish 3.3.3 by Napolion
  • Tray Menu Manager (wampmanager.exe)
  • Tray Menu Manager 64 bit 
    MD5 6441f77fe0c81de3a3a2a3d6042b681d
  • Updated Tray Menu Manager(wampmanager.exe)
    - Remove the About call method.
    + Added Options call method.
    + Changed call method ini (Options replaces About).
    + Info: ini modification is done automatically during update.
    + Major bug fix for 4K display.
    + Corrected scaling for different resolutions.
    + 4K centering correction.
    + Update of Pro 64-bit libraries.
    + Typos corrected.
    + Info: 32-bit version no longer supported.
    + Info: Versions below Windows 10 are no longer tested.
    + Code signing.

Addons Wampserver


  • PhpMyAdmin
  • Phpmyadmin 4.9.11 
    MD5 38da46bd315181b2c0b945dcacf6cc70
  • PhpMyAdmin 4.9.11 - Latest version supported by PHP 5.5 to 7.4
    This version can be added to an existing version, you will have the choice during the installation.
  • Phpmyadmin 5.2.1 
    MD5 7d70c099031fc63e1e939abfb9f33d50
  • PhpMyAdmin 5.2.1 does not support PHP 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 and 7.1.
    Supported by PHP 7.2 to 8.2
    This version can be added to an existing version, you will have the choice during the installation.
  • Adminer
  • Database management in a single PHP file. Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a light full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Adminer works perfectly with PHP 7 & 8 and MySQL 5.7 & 8
  • Adminer 4.8.1 
    MD5 9ab884e4ad46feac1e0159ee89074665
  • PhpSysInfo
  • Phpsysinfo 3.4.3 
    MD5 7d043a1045711603f2fe82a284b61410


  • Apache 32 bit x8646 versions
  • Apache 2.4.58 32 bit x86 
    MD5 b84032da294e250e34abc8e744c8ba6d
  • Apache 64 bit x6451 versions
  • Apache 2.4.61 64 bit x64 
    MD5 49d868b3b51d7e926fc4743c0f1bf820
  • Important: Before installing Apache 2.4.61, the Wampserver 3.3.5 update is necessary. It is also essential to have previously installed the Visual C ++ Redistributable Packages VC 2015-2022 (VS17) 14.4033810 or more. See the bottom of this page for download links.
    Integrates the Apache fcgi_module which allows to change the PHP version of each VirtualHost in order to obtain VirtualHosts with different PHP versions.
    - openssl 3.1.6
    - nghttp2 1.62.1
    - jansson 2.14
    - curl 8.8.0
    - apr 1.7.4
    - apr-util 1.6.3
    - apr-iconv 1.2.2
    - zlib 1.3.1
    - brotli 1.1.0
    - pcre2 10.44
    - libxml2 2.13.1
    - lua 5.4.6
    - expat 2.6.2
    mod evasive 2.2.0 - mod security 2.9.7







Visual C++ Redistributable Packages


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